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The romantic age History and Culture: Britain and America / The Revolutions: The Industrial Revolution / The American Revolution: The Declaration of Independence / The French Revolution / Why did the Industrial Revolution start in Britain? Literature and genres: MAN AND NATURE THROUGH PICTURES / A new sensibility/ Early romantic poetry / Gothic novel / Romantic fiction ● Mary Shelley: “Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus” - The Creation of a monster ● Jane Austen: “Pride and Prejudice” - “Mr and Mrs Bennet” THE GOTHIC NOVEL ● Ann Radcliffe: “The Mysteries of Udolpho” - Terror GOTHIC TO MODERN GOTHIC ● Bram Stocker: “Dracula” - Count Dracula ● Susan Hill: “The Woman in black” - A ghost in black Early Romantic poetry / Romantic poetry / Two generations of poets / Romanticism ● William Blake: - The Lamb - The Tyger - London ● William Wordsworth: - Composed upon Westminster bridge - Daffodils ● Samuel Taylor Coleridge: “The Rime of Ancient Mariner”: - The killing of the Albatross - A sadder and wiser man (fotocopia) The victorian age History and Culture: Queen Victoria’s reign / The Victorian compromise / Life in Victorian Britain / Victorian thinkers / The American civil war. Literature and genres: The Victorian novel/ Aestheticism and Decadence / WORK AND ALIENATION Types of novels - Women writers – The realistic novel - the psychological novel – colonial literature. ● Charles Dickens: “Hard Times”: - Mr Gradgrind - Coketown “Oliver Twist” (theatre performance + fotocopia) - The Workhouse 1 - Oliver wants some more ● Robert Louis Stevenson: “The Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mister Hyde” - Jekyll’s experiment ● The Bronte Sisters: Emily Bronte: “Wuthering Heights” - I am Heathcliff ● Oscar Wilde – the dandy – “The Picture of Dorian Gray” - The Preface (fotocopia) - The painter’s studio - Dorian’s death The modern age History and Culture: from the Edwardian Age to the First World War / The suffragettes, the Age of anxiety/ The inter-war years/ The Second World War/ The Usa in the first half of the 20th century. Literature and genres: Modernism/ The modern novel/ The Interior monologue/ A new generation of American writers. MEMORY – the role of memory in our lives MEMORY (ACROSS CULTURES-PHILOSOPHY-SCIENCE AND LITERATURE) The War Poets ● Wilfred Owen: Dulce et Decorum est ● Virginia Woolf: - “To the Lighthouse” (a short passage) - Stream of consciousness/ Direct/Indirect interior monologue (photocopy) - Interior monologue with two levels of narration - Interior monologue with the mind level of narration ● James Joyce: “James Joyce’s Ulysses” - An extract from the above-mentioned novel - “Dubliners”: Eveline ● George Orwell: “Animal Farm” - presentazione power point + fotocopia “Nineteen Eighty-four”: - Big Brother is watching you*Room 101 ● Francis Scott Fitzgerald: “The Great Gatsby” - Nick meets Gatsby - From the text to screen | Acquista a soli € 10,69!




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