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Appunti dettagliati di storia e letteratura con vita degli autori e analisi dei testi. -Mary Shelly, Fankestein -Jane Austen, The novels,Pride and prejudice -The Victorian Age (Queen Vitoria,Workhouse and reforms,Irish potato famine,Technological progress,The Victorian Compromise,Respectability). -Victorian novel. -Charles Dickens, Hard times, materialism. -Robert Louis Stevenson,“The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide”(The double nature of setting,Influences and interpretations,Jekyll's experiment). -Oscar Wilde, “The picture of Dorian Grey”. -Age of Anxiety -Firts world war -War poets (“The Soldier”, Rulert Brooke“Dulce et Decorum est”, Wilfred Owen). -Irish question. -Modernism, James Joyce (“The Dubliners”,“Eveline” from Dubliners),Wystan Hugh Auden,Ezra Pound, Virginia Woolf (“Mrs. Dalloway”). -George Orwell, 1984. | Acquista a soli € 1,38!
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